Get yourself ready for the Boxing Day Bounce

As soon as that last Christmas cracker is pulled and the leftover turkey refrigerated ready for sandwiches, what are many people likely to do? No, not flop on the couch in front of the TV watching an old movie (although that would be nice), but to start browsing the internet for a new home.
Indeed, last year Rightmove saw an incredible 54 per cent increase in traffic the day after Christmas Day, compared to 2019, with many other leading property portals reporting a similar increase in visitors. It's therefore fair to conclude that once the big day itself is done and dusted, the next thing topping people's 'to-do list' is moving house, a phenomenon otherwise known as the Boxing Day Bounce.
Perhaps all that festive entertaining has made them realise that their house is too small or they've finally decided that next year will be the year they finally move to that cottage in the country or take on an exciting project and buy a fixer upper. Whatever the reasons, potential sellers should take heed. If you are hoping to sell early in 2022, you will need to beat the New Year rush and get your property on the market beforehand to take full advantage of the huge increase in potential buyers looking online immediately after Christmas.
So, if you're thinking of selling, but have been holding off until the spring (once considered the best time to put a property on the market), why not jump the gun and do so now, ready for that busy online searching that takes place in the run up to New Year.
What's more, it's widely agreed that people looking to move in late December/early January are higher quality buyers than at any other time of the year, with a strong commitment to move quickly. Indeed, the viewing-to-sale ratio is also at its highest at this time.
This should all be incentive enough to place your property on to the market but there is an added bonus. A lot of property owners prefer not to place their property on to the market at this time of year, simply not wanting the hassle or inconvenience of selling their home over the festive period. This is great news for you as it reduces the level of competition. You can enjoy a period of more buyers in the market and fewer homes being in competition to you, and this is why the Boxing Day Bounce has to be of benefit. These are the ideal circumstances for any homeowner looking to sell and in order to be in the right place at the right time, you will want to take action as quickly as you can.
Okay, so there's not much time between now and Boxing Day, but getting your property sale-ready could be as easy as a few small jobs and DIY improvements. Fixing that leaking tap, replacing blown light bulbs or re-painting any visible cracks on the walls are quick and easy wins, as is tidying up the garden by clearing up the dead leaves and removing any weeds.
If you are looking to hear more about the Boxing Day Bounce or you want to make sure that your home is properly represented to appeal to interested buyers, come and speak to the team at Butler & Stag. We are more than happy to provide you with the support you need to ensure your home is seen in the right place by all the right people.