
Butler & Stag has a dedicated department which specialises in the appraisal, acquisition and sale of buildings and land that have potential for redevelopment.
View new homes for sale View land & developments for sale View our land & new homes brochureLand in the south-east is still very much in-demand and with the right opportunity and team, can be a rewarding investment with excellent returns. Industry and local knowledge, as well as market analysis, underpins our expertise when assessing the development potential of a site.
Our dedicated teams undertake all manner of projects and have extensive experience in dealing with plots ranging from single plots, right through to strategic sites suitable for hundreds of homes. Furthermore, we have an attractive network of contacts that we rely on to present us with opportunities before they come to market, so we can bring landowners together with the right buyers immediately.

Our practice operates for a broad cross section of the market, from private individuals, through to small, niche developers, regional and national housebuilders, as well as funds, institutions and RSL’s.
Our Development Consultancy and New Homes Sales & Marketing services work closely with our Land team, offering an extensive range of supporting services that will assist in realising the potential of a site.
Due to the sensitive nature of property development, we are currently only marketing a small proportion of our current land opportunities. Our regional land teams can be contacted for further information.

Land Services
- Sales and marketing of existing buildings and brown and greenfield sites on the open market (with or without planning consent).
- Off market acquisition of existing buildings on brown and green field sites (with or without planning consent).
- Retained client service for developers looking to source a range of development opportunities including residential, commercial and social housing schemes.
- Negotiation of conditional contracts and option agreements.
- Land Assembly.
- Professional Valuations.

If you have land to sell our Residential Development department is able to offer a wide range of services, from the discreet placing of land to a select number of our proven clients, to a full sales and marketing package to national and international markets.
For further information about our extensive range of development services, you can speak to our New Homes Sales & Marketing division or our Development Consultancy. Due to the sensitive nature of property development, we are currently only marketing a small proportion of our current land opportunities. Our regional Land teams can be contacted for further information.
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